LG Venus VX-8800
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SD card Help
I have several books on a 4 gig micro sd card, is there something special I have to do have them show up in the music player? They are in the MP3 format and the phone recognized the card and that there is information on the card but the files don't show up under any of the file headings (music/vids/pics)
Dec 29, 2007, 8:37 PM
Format the card with the phone first. Now put all of your MP3s in the my_music folder. Do not create any subdirectories. You may not be able to put more than 1.6 gB right now because of a software problem with the Venus. This problem should be resolved in the next few weeks with a fimware update.
I agree with moley. The phone will not recognize a large number of files if loaded onto the card directly. However, if you use Verizon's V Cast Music manager to move the audio files onto the card, the phone will see them all. Don't ask me to explain this discrepancy...
Jan 2, 2008, 1:28 PM
The problem is...V Cast Music Manager will convert all of your files to WMA first...this can take HOURS if you are talking about 2GB+ of music files! The firmware update is coming soon... Then you can drag-and-drop mp3 files and playlists into your my_music folder and play them on your phone no problem!
Moley: Have you been able to sync your playlists to your phone? This is a must for me. See my other post today...
Jan 2, 2008, 1:55 PM
Yep, just made playlists using MediaMonkey (a must have) and copied them over with the MP3 files by drag-and-drop. Works great.
Can you be more explicit on how to get a playlist from mediamonkey onto my Venus? Is this done using mediamonkey to sync the files directly to the phone, or are you using bitpim as an itermediate step? I'd appreciate your help on this...
Jan 2, 2008, 2:51 PM
I'm using a usb sd-card reader with a micro-sd adapter to transfer mp3s and playlists directly to the my_music folder on the sd card. Not the most convenient method in the world, but it works great. I'm not using the sync feature on media monkey, just using it to organize my mp3s and to create playlist files.
That's what I'd like to do too. What is the format of the playlist files that you copy to the my_music folder on the SD card, and does the phone recognize it? How did you get around the problem of the phone rebooting after saying "initializing" after you copied a couple of gigs of mp3 files to your card?
Is there an easy way to bring in files from a Mac iTunes playlist to a sd card that the Venus could read?
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