BlackBerry Pearl 8130
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Opera Mini...
...yes, i followed earlier links and instrustions. i put all browser configurations back to factory settings and went to when i went there, it told me that my "phone model could not be detected". it then went on to tell me that high memory versions and low memory versions were availble to DL. I clicked on "list of known phones" but it did nothing. i was afraid to DL it if my phone was not supported, because, well, it's a $500 phone and i don't wanna mess it up. 😉 but anyway, any info would be greatly appreciated...thanks!
You won't mess anything up just download the high memory version I have used it with several different BB's and have not had a problem.
Ok...DL'ed it...and it looks AWESOME!! way faster than the BB browser...except won't connect. at all. 😢 don't know why...i've only had it DL'ed for about 3 hours...used the whole 3 hours no problem, then went back to start page, tried to look something up...and it just sits there connecting. the bar doesn't even move to show it's making progress...used the BB browser...and it worked just fine...what's wrong with my opera?
(PS-yes, i've powercycled, cleared cookies, removed battery...done all the basic TS steps...)
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