BlackBerry Pearl 8130
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Google Maps and $29 Verizon plan
For Verizon customers.
If I download and use google maps does verizon charge you? I have the 29 dollar plan and don't want to get nailed with a higher bill. Also the map provided on the phone is this through verizon? I haven't touched it as I'm new to the BB and don't want to get nailed.
Also I here everyone talk about opera browser is this a cost increase with verizon.
Sorry for all the newbie questions.
google maps and opera mini are both free 3rd party apps. Contrary to popular belief, verizon wireless isn't this big daddy control freak...people's misconseptions suprise me more and more everyday. The maps app on the phone is a blackberry app...if you have the $29.99 for blackberry data plan, you will NOT get anyother charges.
Thank you very much! I have been with Verizon for ten years and have no real complaints. I'm just new to BB and trying to find out as much as possible. This phone seems to good to be true it's kind of freaky. Do you have a location to get good reliable 3rd party apps.
Again thank you for the info
if you do a search in the forums I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for. is great.....
check the forums 😁
You are probably thinking of the regular VZW handset Get It Now apps. Some of those have a monthly charge associated with them. They are usually pretty good about explicitly telling you that you are "subscribing" to an app.
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