Nokia N82
Reviews 11
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N82 - GPS and Bluetooth Conflict
This is not a big deal, but more a minor annoyance that would be nice to fix. My car has integrated bluetooth and the N82 connects and disconnects seamlessly entering and exiting. I found that the turn by turn audio prompts in my Garmin XT program mutes when I'm in the vehicle unless I switch off the bluetooth, but then, I have to raise the phone to my ear for calls while driving. It would be perfect if the prompts were audible through my sound system like the phone calls are, but that's not so. Unless, of course, someone here has the magic touch and tells me the secret.
Use the included wired Ear piece. or connect the output to the input og your audio system. That would bug me too. But I don't have BT in my car. I just use the BT headset to make and recieve calls and get Turn by turn.
Both goods tips. Thank you.
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