LG enV2 (VX-9100)
V04 software
Has anyone with the V03 phones been able to get the update from either FOTA or a store flashing?
Which include:
1.random notepad deletion
2.Video messages sometimes not playable
3.Pix messages showing up as the wrong size
4.keyguard defaults back to 7 seconds despite settings
5.phone power cycles during useage
6.alarm won't go off if you receive a text message before the set time or are charging the phone.
Many of them are listed in the previous pages. I think I got all the major ones.
2. Not being able to view video messages is something I fixed on mine by calling tech support, and they determined it was an issue with the provisioning on my account and had nothing to do with the phone itself.
4. The key guard returning to the 7 seconds is dependent on when you manually set it by holding the 0 key on the front. It keeps its setting until you manually set it with 0, which then indicates you want to KEEP it locked, hence the reason it turns it back to seven seconds.
I have not experienced any of the other issues, the alarm one sounds really major and I'm glad mine doesn't do that or I'd be royally screwed!
One thing I have noticed a...
by wdcav "Learned something over at hofo. It apparently doesn't matter. V04 it seems didn't correct anything, it just accounts for LG using a different supplier for the inside LCD screen. Everything else is the same, so 04 has the same general bugs as 03."
themasterpianist said:...
A few of the issues you're listing aren't software errors from what I can tell.
2. Not being able to view video messages is something I fixed on mine by calling tech support, and they determined it was an issue with the provisioning on my account and had nothing to do with the phone itself.
4. The key guard returning to the 7 seconds is dependent on when you manually set it by holding the 0 key on the front. It keeps its setting until you manually set it with 0, which then indicates you want to KEEP it locked, hence the reason it turns it back to seven seconds.
I have not experienced any of the other issues, the alarm one sounds really major and I'm glad mine doesn't do that or I'd be roy
1. FOTA (Firmware Over The Air) is a feature on the env2 that is not yet supported on the server side. Verizon has no date for rolling it out.
2. The only way to get the 04 update is to flash the phone at a store - and not all stores are equipped to do it.
3. The ONLY fix in version 04 is to support second source for the LED display. No fix for abc/Abc, word text entry, keylock timeout reset, notepad issue, etc. Nothing but the LED alternate.
It took two weeks, several visits and calls, trouble tickets, etc. to get this far. The Verizon people are incredibly uninformed!
The operational issues I was up on from my own experience and postings on this forum.
I've been using the env2 for a couple of months now.