Apple iPhone 3G
iPhone for T-Mobile/Verizon?
He said that the monopoly ATT has is not legal and his company rep told him Apple will have to let them sell the phone and ATT only has a 4 month exclusive.
I know the guy and "asume" the info is correct. Does anyone have any info about this? Could it be true?
I am 99% sure I will leave Verizon in order to get this phone but if this info is correct, I may stay with Verizon (contract).
Thanks for any info and help
Actually, AT&T and Apple just extended the U.S. exclusivity for I believe an additional 2 years bringing it to 7 years total.
BTW.........take ABSOLUTELY NO OFFENCE to this question but.........
Where does "your" info come from and how accurate is it?
Internal and the only thing I'm not 100% on is the extension of 2 years. It might have been 3 but wanted to low ball it.