Apple iPhone 3G
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handset warranty help please
Mar 18, 2009, 11:09 AM
i have an iphone 3g that i would like apple to do a warranty exchange on. I have had the phone since 11/08 and have recently been having issues with the phone powering off. I went into the apple store... and after waiting 30 mins to get help the rep told me he has to see the issue to swap me out. Unfortunately I didnt have all day to stand around and wait for it to pwr off, the rep only hung out with me for about 5 mins anyway. Does anyone have any suggestions on what the right thing to say is to get an exchange? I dont live very close to the nearest store and would rather not waste my time driving out there again just to be turned away in 5 minutes after waiting an hour to get help. Thanks very much for the help.
As a long time Apple user, I am familiar with their repair service, and it is outstanding.
You are within your year warranty, so it's the same as if you had purchased Apple Care. But they are not just going to give you a new one without checking it out first. This means you will have to give up your phone briefly, but trust me, they are fast, especially when it comes to something like one's phone.
If going to the store is a hassle, call Apple Care, make a report, and they will arrange a DHL pick-up. Last time I had my MacBook fixed this way, here's what happened. Called AC on Monday. DHL delivered a special paid box on Tuesday, put the computer in, handed in back to DHL. Apple got it on Wednesday, fixed it had it back to DHL th...
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