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Should I jail break my iPhone?

Mr. Brown

Jul 10, 2009, 12:50 PM
Hey guys I'm currently in a contract with AT&T with my iPhone. Ive had it for a few months now and I'm thinking about getting it jail broke. I have concerns about what it does to the warranty if i ever have to use it does it completely void it? Also does it mess up anything system wise? I just don't want to do it and have something go wrong with the phone, and because i jail broke it, I'm **** out of luck. Whats your guys take on this?

Sep 7, 2009, 8:38 AM
if something goes wrong, restore it and its back to factory settings and the jailbreak software is no longer there. theres no way to trace it unless you do not restore it and go in there with your jailbroken phone with custom backgrounds and themes.
nothing will happen. I have jailbroken tons of ipods and iphones and havent had a problem, the software is super easy to do it now.
it voids the warranty, until you restore it again, then your warranty isn't void.

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