Motorola Krave ZN4
Battery dies so fast
I have Bluetooth off, is there something else running that i need to turn off? And how? my last phone had a task manager and i could turn everything off, i can't find that on this one.
I can take a completely charged phone and make a 10min call and I'll be down a full bar. by the end of the day it needs to be charged. it's driving me crazy.
Is this a verizon thing? my wife has a palm and it can't hold a charge to save it's life. I'm still in my 30 days so i'm think maybe i go back to t-mobile or AT&T. I can't stand them, but it's better then dealing with 2yr of a dead phone ...
I am due for a new phone now and this krave is right in my price range. i really want the voyager, but i have had the vx-8300 for about two years and i hate the voice quality and no user functionality of this. the voyager needs to go on sale for me, but i will likely go with the krave.
I like the this phone. it does get sometime get weird when using the touch screen, but just close the lid and open it up again and it seems to reset.
Also mine goes to 2 bars fairly quickly but last a day or more to one and charge time.
Also if you do not need EV you may go to hofo Howards forum and the Krave forum to see if you can shut off the EV.
Great phone with new speed dial feature.
Also how do i speed dial. I just got my Software updated yesterday.
It reset your custom features but having the speed dial is neat.