Samsung Knack U310
So it's a phone for Old People? »
This is really the ONLY phone that can truly be labeled "our basic phone." It's the only phone without Bluetooth and camera. Essentially, it makes calls and it does text messaging. That's it.
Some Treos have been known to work similarly. 😉
The Knack is definitely an upgrade for people on these older models to still get basic features, and anymore bluetooth is basic. Mandatory in some states, so definitely a welcome feature.
Some of the really basic phones are just there for the people who wash their phone and didn't have insurance or an old phone to activate. They're really not that great of a phone (u340) to begin with.
In the 10 years I've been using wireless telephony technology, I've never bothered with a free phone. I always believe that you get what you pay for, even when there's a contract involved.
WHY would a phone be free? To catch a new customer? Or because it wasn't worth much to begin with?
If not, it probably should be. 😉
Free phones are not always bad. It is not "What you pay for" sometimes. A lot of the time it is just overstock, or making room for the new models, i.e. the Chocolate. The Chocolate 3's are out now.
Look at the EnV, dropped to $29.99 online for a day or so when they were going out of stock for the new EnV2. I loved the original EnV, and I still get requests for them all the time.
All in all, it comes down to what you need in a phone. I talk t...
So many baby boomers and parents with very young kids come to me asking for the most basic phone I have beause ALL they do is talk and that's all they want to do.
Not everyone is 16-25 and wants a music player, camera, BlueTooth and Internet.
The people who have been using the phones the longest want to continue to use them as they're intended, as a phone.
My wife has a chocolate 3 and this phone basically says it has the same talk time and standby time.
The Chocolate 3 kicks this phones butt in terms of standby time by 2x so not sure how Verizion are testing this particular phone but it certainly is not consistent with how they test other phones like Chocolate 3.
I am returning it.
EsOne said:
It is not the only basic phone. You forgot the ugly, but yet still sold, CDM 8905. No camera, no bluetooth, really basic.
The Knack is definitely an upgrade for people on these older models to still get basic features, and anymore bluetooth is basic. Mandatory in some states, so definitely a welcome feature.
And HEY! The 8905 had an antenna where it should be! At the top! Where your hand isn't smothering the signal! Brilliant!