Samsung Omnia i910
Reviews 76
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Phone Volume
Is there a way to boost the volume for alert sounds and such on the Omnia i910?
yes. see link: -omnia-modaco-com/278078/fixed-how-to-increas e-the-volume-of-the-verizon-omnia/
if you are unfamiliar with ANY of the terms or steps in the processes DO NOT DO IT, you can brick your phone.
You might also be able to convince a VZW tech guy in a full service retail location to do it...
Okay, thanks Glory...I will give it try.
A work around is to have an Alert Tone of your choosing in the MP3 Format which is recorded to a volume level of your desire and use that alert tone.
Load the MP3 into the "Root" of My Storage and select your Alert tone from there.
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