Interesting T-Mobile with it's cheesy coverage is getting a phone like this. More interesting will be the price. 👀
"a phone like this." What does that mean? 3G coverage doesn't matter here because this phone is not 3g capable. I believe this will be a cheap phone - no more than $99 with contract.
Not likely on the $99 price tag.
The 8120 is identical feature-wise to this phone and is $149 after a $50 mail in rebate.
I can pretty much guarantee the 8220 will be AT LEAST the same price, if not 50 bucks more.
I can see this phone starting out in the $149 or so, maybe somewhat more on release, in a few months I can see it being sold for like $99.00 after rebate.
Only thing, TM tends to charge a few bux more for BB's then other carriers, but, savings on service will more then recoup any differences in a few months.
I can't imagine BB doing anything cheesy at this point seeing as how they seem to be locked in a death struggle with Apple for dominance in the market (lol). At least it seems to be a Pearl with a much bigger screen but I'd like to see it first-no substitute for playing with it.
Sep 18, 2008, 9:11 PM
I think it will be a really nice phone. It should have 3g but as you know it doesn't. TMO will have 20 major markets online with 3G by the end of the year.
TMO has some nice phones coming out int he next two months. Along with this the Android phone announcement on 9-23 and the Samsung T919.
Plus another phone for crachbery heads will be the Bold December or January.
Probably, it would make sense, RIM will open up the Bold for other carriers, gsm or cdma in the US after the exclusive deal goes post date. Not sure if it will be 90 or 120 days. TM if they do pick this up probably will be around sometime next spring. And for you guys who want it, I do hope they provide 1700 umts.
Sorry ppl but I just dont see the purpose of the flip, its not like the outside is a touchscreen since RIM doesnt seem to believe in them.
I would rather wait for the touch BB that VZW will be coming out with - that seems to make more sense to me.
Sep 18, 2008, 9:40 PM
T-mobile will not be getting the Bold. They will be getting one similar but its not going to have 3g. I believe its called the Javelin.
As far as pricing a Blackberry rep said its gonna be priced around the same as the 8120 and not the 8100. So 149 after rebate seems most likely.
Its actually a really nice phone. Its about the same size as the the sony ericsson tmobile just came out with.....
I've seen webshots the Javelin, its nice, sorta next generation Curve or something that is in the same niche. In fact some guy got some nutty price for one recently on ebay.
Even heard its going to have a 5mpixel camera, which is nice for those into such things.
Since you can't post edit one's post. Let me add, I happen to like the looks of it better then the Bold, and if was going to get a new BB on TM, I would sure as hell wait for this.
hello there. I work for t-mobile and the "cost" of this handset is $300. This would make it about $150 - $200 with contract. I am certain that there will be a $50 mail in rebate for new and upgrade. For the record, the pearl "cost" is $275. So think $25 more than a pearl
Unless you are talking about what the phone "costs" for t-mobile to buy from blackberry you are wrong. The 8100 sells full retail for $299.99 and the 8120 sell full retail for $349.99. This one should sell for about the same as the 8120 because it is the exact same phone. And it will have a mail in rebate just like the pearl(s) and curve.
T-Mobile's coverage is just fine. You can't expect a carrier to have coverage in place where there are only like 10 ppl over 1000 acres. I went through parts of rural GA and it was able to pick up a couple of bars.
As for the BB Flip, it's fine. RIM has been sorta reluctant to make more 3G phones.
For Blackberry users it's not about web surfing (iPhones' main target), 3G is nice but it just drains the battery too much and RIM knows that.
For what BB customer needs EDGE is good enough. Touchscreens, Gimmicks, Cool Factor, Web Surfing are all very nice things and I've owned phones with at least one of these features. In the end B.B has still been my choice phone.
I wouldn't trade in it's excellent call quality, great reception, and great service for any gimmick from HTC/Apple/Palm/Samsung/LG/Motorola.
True, but I would like to see how the blackberry touch does in sales. I wouldn't imagine all the blackberry users switch to it but i could also see all the people who buy blackberrys just to own one would.
thats what I am waiting for is the BB touch.