LG Rumor2 / Cosmos / Banter / UX-265 / Script
Battery Problems
Pros: Awesome looking
Keyboard duh!
Awesome camera
good speaker
Better screen than scoop 176x220 compared to 240x320
Chat style texting
Cons: Slow picture message sending
No video âšī¸
Top half of phone feels really loose when open
Decent call sound quality
This is a dumb question, but I have a question about picture message sending. I have no Data plan in my service, I only have a talk and text plan. Can I still use picture messaging? Is there anything special that I must do to my phone setting or to my service plan to use this feature?
From what I could tell I have to sign on to send picture messages, and from my understanding Sprint charges per kb used when online.
Anyways I'm a huge newb to Sprint. I switched over from AT&T, and the service is a lot different. Thanks for any help, and my apologies to the original poster for hijacking his/her thread. I'll let you know if I hear of any issues concerning the batteries. Thanks again everyone.
o sorry i can't help with the sprint thing, just call the dealer you bought the phone from they would be more than happy to help đ
Dread_99 said:
As long as you have a picture messaging package and you are sending from the phone (not from a website ie. myspace, email, ect.) then it will not charge casual data. If you restrict internet access then you would also disable the ability to send/receive picture mail.
Also if you download the picture that you have recieved from the picture mail website to your phone, that is using data as well to do the transfer. So without the data plan, you get charged a casual charge per kilobyte.