Samsung Zeal / Alias 2 SCH-U750
Reviews 24
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Compatibility with MicroSDHC and Voice Quality
Has anyone tried buying an MicroSDHC card for the Alias 2? I know it is compatible with MicroSD but want to talk to someone who has used it with a MicroSDHC before I go ahead and buy one.
Also, I am way dissapointed with the call clarity on the Alias 2. I replaced this phone with an Audiovox color flip phone I bought 5 years ago and can honestly say that it had better phone call quality than the Alias 2.
I guess with all this hype with qwerty keyboards and apps, cell phone manufacturers are forgeting it's a PHONE.
My Alias 2 has really bad sound quality too. So did my first Alias! I love every other aspect of this phone and luckily I dont talk all that much. But the sound qualitly is very muffled. When I upgrade I will not be getting another Alias.
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