Samsung Jack i637
jack or nokia e71x?
thanks 🙂
jakefuzzy said:
Actually Windows Mobile doesn't suck. You just have to realize that just like regular Windows on your PC, you have to reformat and start fresh at regular intervals. I had an original Q9h, and even with being diligent and running SKtools everyday it still got slow. I updated with Win Mobile 6.1 and poof back up to speed. Now I reformat with Win Mobile 6.1 every 2 months. I've backed up everything and it takes me about 45 min and everything is back on and fresh.
You are making my point for me. I am definitely no Apple fanboy, but I haven't had to do a refresh of my OS in the almost year that I have had my phone. One of my biggest pet peeves about WinMo is that I have to wipe my phone and r...
Now I have a Moto Q Global and find the OS much better for me. I have a Samsung Jack on order and I hope it will be as...
When I'm talking to people, they are quite clear (more so than my old RAZR), but the volume of their voices fluctuates somewhat throughout the call; the volume seems lower as the person begins to speak, then ramps up as they are talking - the volume then drops back down after a pause in speech. I do note that background noise is practically non-existant, and the caller at the other end always says I sound great, like I'm on a land line. I have not seen anyone else make a comment about this, so I'm wondering if there's an issue with my p...
Windows Mobile, well its not as bad as the detractors say it is. I've found its far better then it was, for about the last 18 months. Haven't messed with the new Jack, but honestly it doesn't seem like a bad phone. Comes down to comfort and needs. If email is a priority and you don't use exchange, then get WM, it handles it well. If not using exchange and email is priority, BB handles mail better then anyone else.
Symbian if new to, is far different then other phones systsms. Its the most popular in...