Samsung Omnia II (CDMA)
Reviews 8
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Views after 2 weeks
Not knowing I wouldn't be able to edit or submit a 2nd one, I submitted a review before I bought this phone. I've now had it 2 weeks. I might bump my 3.5 rating to 3.75, 4.0 at most. This is a pretty good phone. Much better call quality than the last 2 Palm devices I've had. BT seems to work well w/my 2 yr old Plantronics. Speaker phone is good.
Screen is good for viewing. Touch screen way behind Iphone level - I'm guessing this is mostly b/c of WinMo? Camera laggy. Have to play w/it a lot to find optimal range, zoom etc to get good pictures. Ambient light a big problem. Frustrated with the minimal number of apps or widgets available. MS apps are way overpriced for the most part.
Contact search is really bad. On-screen keyboa...
Took the Omnia back yesterday. I was about over the learning curve issues with WinMo, but had other problems that led to my decision. I needed to be able to sync w/my desktop Outlook contacts and calendar via USB. This required MS ActiveSync, which quit working too many times. In 4 weeks I think I uninstalled/reinstalled about 12 times. Yesterday it never would work again. I was also having problems with text messages. I discovered that many text messages I sent were never received. As I am a long time VZW user, and have never had this problem before it could only be attributed to a phone issue - and yes, I did spend considerable time w/tech support on that.
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