Motorola Droid
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cut, paste spell check
Does this phone have spell checker for texts and email? I cant seem to find it. And cutting and pasting seems to be very difficult as well. Did anyone find out how this can be accomplished?
No.. I hope its just a software issue..
Nov 8, 2009, 11:07 PM
whenever I start typing something on my droid, an auto correct feature pops up...
Copy paste is there, but it's done via keyboard shortcuts atm (hopefully an app will change that)
Actually you can press and hold the screen until the copy/cut/paste menu pops up
all you do is press and hold the screen a full sec and it will pop a window that will give you options to cut and paste and what ever you need to do. the phone isnt easy to work but give it time it has feature that may not easy to find but when you do its awesome. best of luck.
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