Motorola Droid
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It has been reported that the Droid sales have been slow.
CNET says that only 100K units were sold but was told that VZW expected to sell over 200K units. Verizon wants a hit badly to compete with AT&T. Well the Omnia II and the PRE will be here soon.
Nov 10, 2009, 5:13 PM
100k units in 3 days is a pretty sweet deal, especially considering the public at large only knew about this phone for well under a month.
Verizon doesn't want "1 phone for everyone" like apple is banking on. They want many different phones for many different types of people.
yeah, if the droid had been marketed for 6+ months prior to release like the iphone it would have had similar numbers to the iphone.
I remember before they ever announced the iphone, Jobs would have to make a statement denying that they were going to manufacture one. So really there has been a clamoring for the iphone long before it became a reality.
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