Motorola Droid
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The worst phone I ever got
This piece of crab is really junk. It freezes alot. The screen won't rotate as it supposed to, I was googling the other day trying to show my son my country" Israel" and that crab did not even show nothing but blank. Go check it out yourself, you can see every country in the world except Israel, how cruel?
I am about to return it and get my money back. I HATE THIS PHONE and I do not recommend it.
Nov 11, 2009, 5:15 PM
I told it Israel and it picked it up without delay.
rotation is quick and snappy. you either got a bad device or you lack the patience to learn it.
Nov 11, 2009, 7:22 PM
I just pulled up Israel too. Maybe you need to take some speech classes.
Just to confirm.....there is nothing wrong with Isreal...I pulled it up on my iPhone as well (figured we should realy be thorough with our testing). 🙂 Must be localized to the hardware he has.
Either hardware issue or ESO...
I will eat your piece of crab.
perhaps it can sense your evil intentions and refuses to show you Israel because it would be against it morals?
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