Motorola Droid
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SD Card to save pictures?
I moved photos from pc to droid and also took some with the droid camera.
lots of folders now. ones moved to droid and taken with droid stored in droid memory.
ones saved from email stored on sd card.
then copies of some in a downloads folder.
HELP! please what did I do?
I'll try to answer this the best I can considering I haven't owned the DROID very long. The Droid makes new folders for the way it collects its data. For instance. If I move my pictures or music to the phone I can choose which file it goes in. For example,if you transfer them via Bluetooth, Droid will create a Bluetooth folder and that data will be found there.
To organize your stuff just connect your phone to your computer with the data cable and put your pics in the file you want them. But if you move them by other means other than the data cable the phone may pick a folder by default.
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