Jan 26, 2010, 5:10 PM
Has anyone seen this problem - I have 2 POP3 accounts set up as well as the gmail account. I get email notification for gmail without issue. I do not get notification for the POP3 accounts. It worked at various times since I got the phone about a month ago but recently I am not getting any notifications. I get the emails but I have to manually access the account. I have it set up to sync every 15 minutes and notifications and autosync are turned on.
Jan 27, 2010, 2:18 AM
I believe that the POP checker does not restart automatically after you kill it with Advanced Task Killer.
On mine, at any rate, after powerup, I start getting notifications (although it appears to be showing only new messages since the last check, rather than new messages since last read)
After using ATK, the notifications stop until the email program is launched again, then I'll see the notifications until I run ATK. It is possible to exclude a program from the ATK list, but you need to know the programs name to be able to do that.
Jan 27, 2010, 9:12 AM
I tried the ATK restartand e-mail relaunch about a week ago and it appeared to work for a day or so, then I was back to the no notifications. Is the ATK exclusion available with the free version or do I need to buy the full version?
Jan 27, 2010, 9:25 AM
I don't use the email app that often, so I probably wouldn't notice if it stopped notifying me after a day, I usually wind up killing it after an hour or so anyway! 🤣
If you un-check the app on the ATK main screen, as far as I have been able to tell, it remembers that and stays unchecked (although it honestly hasn't occurred to me to check if it remembers through a reboot...)
If you long-tap on the ATK screen, one of the options is "ignore"; then go to menu->setting->ignore list to remove an item from the ignore list.
AFAICT on the main difference between the free version and the paid version is that the free version plays ads; I haven't come across anything I wanted to do that I couldn't (unlike some apps!)
or there is another way you can do this... go into your google account and have your pop3 accounts brought in from your google account... i have my hotmail, and yahoo, and live account coming in to my google account which is nice cause the gmail is push tech so get them all (they distinguish the emails with the name of the email under it so you can differentiate your emails)
Jan 29, 2010, 6:00 PM
Thanks. I tried what you said and it's working like a champ. I really think it has something to do with the ATK. I was talking to a guy today that is using another "task Killer" app and he is receiving his POP3 emails with no problem.
Feb 23, 2010, 10:33 AM
Just talked to the guy whos' email was working, and after an update to the task killer he was using his pop3 accounts are not automatically notifying. He said he uninstalled the task killer completely and it now appears to be working. Whether it stays working is another matter. I'll report back after he runs without the task killer for a few days.
FknTwizted thanks for the information. I tried to setup my Earthlink Account and it wouldn't accept my smtp. So I followed your advice setting up my Earthlink Account in Google - works great!
I setup my Earthlink Account in Gmail and it worked great until yesterday. I haven't been receiving notifications on my Droid. I use Advanced Task Manager to kill processes.
I ran a test and sent 1 email to my Gmail and 1 to Earthlink. Only the Gmail email was received on the Droid, but both were received in their respective accounts (checked from PC).
Is there something I have to double checkin on the Droid or Gmail?
Thanks in advance for your help (or anyone who can assist).
Well I did some more research and Gmail was checking for new mail from Earthlink. I clicked on check mail now and Earthlink Sync'd with Gmail.