Motorola Droid
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that short charging cord!!
so i know everyone is dissastisfied with that really short charging cord, ya the one that came with the phone and the same short cord that came with my docking station.
so i thought i found a solution by just getting a a jumper usb cable, female to male and the phone said it was charging like it normally would and bingo bango the droid went dead, would motorola be so brash as to purposly cripple any attempt at making the cord longer? has anyone purchased a longer standard usb to micro usb and had it work properly? its just seems like the people that designed this phone and accesserios want us to be frustrated, even that bald guy from phonedog said the same thing
Feb 20, 2010, 6:06 PM
I have the charging cord on my nightstand, and my other cord is perma plugged into my computer.. no issues with it. It's smaller than a normal charger, but unless you have a 4ft tall dresser with outlets on the floor, it should be fine.
half the time i have to tie mine up. the length a smidge small but i really dont need a 6ft long cord to charge my phone.
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