Motorola Droid
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Dropped 3G data - some fixes
Twice recently, my DROID's 3G indicator disappeared and I was dropped off the data network. The first time this happened, I called customer service, and they recommended I try placing a call with my phone. Seeing I mostly use it as a texting and internet device, that refreshed my data connection at the hub/switch.
The second time this occured, I tried the phone call trick, and it did not work. I tried toggling Airplane mode on and off. That did not work. I tried shutting down and pulling the battery. That didn't work. Finally, I powered up my phone and then did a battery pull while it was running, waited a few minutes, replaced the battery and restarted the phone. My 3G was back online. 🙂
I thought I left the battery pulling da...
Feb 27, 2010, 3:01 PM
The Motorola droid and or Verizon have no problem charging top dollar for a non service but when you call in for help the blame game starts.
So no 3g and cannot open flash based emails or web pages. Not exactly what was advertised is it?
Feb 28, 2010, 12:55 AM
nobody advertised flash web pages. and i have never seen a flash email, and wouldn't likely open it anyway. I have seen web pages linked in email, and web pages masquerading as email. since i have html email rendering turned off for many reason, i wouldn't know if those had flash.
as to 3g, i have never once had a problem in an area i didn't expect (i.e., indoors). And even then, I still have data connectivity at 1x, it just isn't as fast.
And I have 3G in a lot of places that iphones don't 🙂
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