Motorola Droid
Wsaving pics to phone?
I believe that internal memory is protected from "user" mode access, which means you would need to root your phone (which voids the warranty). I could be mistaken on that point, however.
What have I told you numerous times, and other have told you as well?
The *L*O*N*G*P*R*E*S*S* is your friend.
Longpress, or longtap, or whatever you want to call it on the picture. A menu pops up. If it is a link/thumbnail, there's a bazillion choices, like "share link", and "copy link location" (just like if you right-click on your laptop). One of the choices is *gasp* "Save image". Gee, that was hard. It's even easier if you are looking at the full size original image, because there's only two choices.
Once again, if you can't figure out how to do something, try long pressing on it. It won't hurt, and might open up a whole new range of choices. Think of the long press as...