Motorola Droid
Reviews 100+
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To switch or not to switch....
...from my Blackberry Storm 2. The internet is just so slow and I just can't get used to the touch keypad while texting. Constantly making mistakes AND sending before I really want to (the send button is right below the backspace button).
Anyone switch from the BB storm 2 to the DROID and if so, how do you like it?
I switched from a Storm 1 to the Droid and haven't looked back, the Droid is a great phone. From all the people that have been giving negative feedback, must seriously have some high standards for a cell phone. Nothing is perfect but IMO i believe that the Moto Droid a855 is a pretty close to it. I haven't had one complaint with mine the camera is a little sloppy but its not super bad. The browser is super quick, and the new 2.1 update has added the speech to text feature in any text field which is very nice. IMO the droid does everything that i want it to do. I hope this helps your decision but ultimately it is YOUR decision and you'll have it for a while so if you do go with it i hope you enjoy all the free stuff that is included for th...
Do the switch. I'm a big BB fan but I hate storms. If you want touch screen the best phone you are going to find in any market is the DROID. I tested it out a few weeks ago at work and now wish I had Verizon so I could get it lol. I have AT&T and am getting the Backflip just because it has the Android software and is AT&T's best touch screen at the moment, unless of course you like iphones but I hate i-anything :p
Apr 8, 2010, 10:39 AM
Most of the negative feedback is from voyager boy.. who doesn't understand phones. he wasn't it to act exactly like his voyager, but have the power of a mobile computer as well
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