Motorola Droid
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Rooted phone and 2.1
I got the message for 2.1, but when I tried to install it, it failed. Motorola is going to push it to me again. Is it because I rooted my phone that the 2.1 upgrade failed?
Apr 6, 2010, 10:05 AM
It shouldn't affect it, especially if you "just" rooted it.
However, with the upgrade, you WILL lose root if you use the normal update, "they" apparently haven't cracked it yet. There's two updates that I know of for rooted phones that you won't lose root.
I would prefer to use an update that will not take away my root. I have downloaded the updates from a link in one of the other conversations, but it aborts and mentions something about sector 7.
I tried to Google it and I still get the following error. E: error in /sdcard/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted
If you have the zip file, is there a way you ccould e-mail it to me? Just click on my ID.
Apr 8, 2010, 10:38 AM
well it has to be update not upgate >.>
Just a question, when you rooted, did you flash a custom rom? or flash a custom recovery? both of these will mess with root.
Not sure which I did. Why? I would restore my phone to factory to do the update, but I would lose everything I downloaded and wireless tethering.
Apr 8, 2010, 11:51 AM
if you have wireless tethering you have both a custom recovery and rom running. If you don't want to lose it, I would suggest waiting until they release a rooted version of the 2.1 update for you to isntall. You still might lose things (depends on how they do the update) but at least you'll keep root.
2.1 is a cosmetic upgrade more than anything else. If you're running a custom rom, you most likely have most of the benefits already.
In order to install the OTA upgrade you need to revert back to stock (full factory reset)
What does rooted mean?
Apr 23, 2010, 12:04 PM
Rooted is a carry over from linux jargon.. the Windows equivilant is giving yourself administrative access.. you can change ANY part of the phone if you know how, but this also means you can ruin your phone if you delete or change the wrong file
Thank you. I don't think I need that
Apr 23, 2010, 12:22 PM
Most people don't. I'm one of those guys who loves tinkering.. so I love having my phone rooted. but for most things, it's not needed.
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