Motorola Droid
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don't give up your GPS
For the first time, I took my phone to a place where data was not available...the GPS is useless and almost none of the apps that are internet dependent worked (this is in WV). My TomTom and my friend's Garmin worked just fine in the same place. I was surprised that my GPS required data. I got a message on the phone that told me there was no data reception, but I was able to call on the phone. This is only about 50 miles outside of a major metro area. This is really my first Droid disappointment (besides waiting on Froyo that is)
Well, I was wrong on this. Just ignore this. There is a place to turn on data roaming and it is free if you are in the USA and have an unlimited data plan.
Jul 6, 2010, 2:50 PM
The gps doesn't require data, it's the app (Google Maps) that does, because it needs to download the maps to your phone, since they're not stored locally. There are a couple full gps apps on the marketplace. Check to see if they require data or not.
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