Motorola V600
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Cingular v600 Return scoop...
I apologize if this exact info has already been posted but...
OK just got off of the phone w/ Cingular, and while reading straight from the pre-written report, this is the gist of what's going on:
The v600 meets Moto's specs, but apparently doesn't meet Cingular's RF specifications, and it's causing users to have reception/signal problems in "certain markets". At this time they can only offer a v400 (which they will overnight to you) as a replacement, until the "new" v600's are ready (around September). Apparently there is a transistor chip in the phone that isn't supposed to be there. It's interfering w/ Cingular's network signalsand that is what is causing the reception problems.
I did ask how LONG this recall will be going on...
The latest news I have obtained..which is from a reliable source at Cingular.....YOU WON'T be getting any repaired V600's back either...You'll either keep your V400 or trade up to a V620 or V555i pending on which model phone Cingular deems worthy of replacing the V600...No one at Cingular is keeping V600's for repairs or replacements...which is unnerving to me!...Wise
From what I understand Cingular will be replacing them with new units which came in today! So if you are waiting for one you should be receiving a FedEx soon.
Any idea what they have done to them that is different to current v600's out there that are suposedly working???...thanks...Wise
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