Market it!
We've all seen Verizon's and AT&T's 3G maps side by side, and Sprint's 3G coverage is essentially identical to Verizon's.
The EVO 4G exceeds iPhone in almost every aspect. Then considering network coverage and 4G speed (up to 10 Mbps), it blows it out of the water (or their nerdy little hands, if you will).
http://shop.sprint.com/en/services/why_sprint/index. ... »
jbuckbock said:
It really is, and by the end of the year 4G coverage is expected to reach 120 million people. When AT&T's 3G coverage currently covers 230 million according to their website.
We've all seen Verizon's and AT&T's 3G maps side by side, and Sprint's 3G coverage is essentially identical to Verizon's.
The EVO 4G exceeds iPhone in almost every aspect. Then considering network coverage and 4G speed (up to 10 Mbps), it blows it out of the water (or their nerdy little hands, if you will).
One more thing to add to the Everything iDon't Droid Does list:
From the NY Times: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/04/27/goog les-andy-rubin-on-everything-android/
From PhoneScoop: https://www.phon...