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HTC EVO 4G or iPhone 4? I am so conflicted.
I am a long time iPhone user and I do love it. I also do not seem to have any problems with AT&T service where I live. I have also found that AT&T works better in the places I tend to travel to when I am not at home. When I had Verizon our phones would not work in Iuka, MS or in Alaska. Our iPhones work in both places.
Still, I am so tempted to switch to Spring and get the HTC EVO 4G. I am mainly interested in it for two reasons...the large screen and the WiMax service (I am in Portland, OR).
I need to make up my mind because my AT&T contract is up for renewal this month and I need to decided whether to stay with AT&T and get the iPhone 4 or switch. Since I am grandfathered in I would be keeping my unlimited data plan with AT&T so that...
this is an easy one. get the evo and keep your iphone for the remainder of your contract. you have a 30 day guarantee with sprint so use that time to see if the service and phone suit your needs!
Jun 10, 2010, 7:30 PM
I have neither phone but currently use the HTC Touch Pro 2 which is the biggest pile of junk on the market. I love the sprint network because of the unlimited everything plan including no limits on data download, but HTC does not seem to make a stable product. I remember all the hype when the TouchPro came out and it turned out to be a junk phone even though the specs were great. I've always considered the iphone a toy but I have not met anyone who is unhappy despite the bad network. The big problem I have with ATT is the limit on data which is at 2GB or in laymen terms 200 minutes of video streaming. Now that is a huge problem for me since video and large data download is paramount to a smartphone. The "facetime" app will sap so much ...
Luckily the data limits are not a problem for me since I am grandfathered in with the unlimited plan.
I would suggest going month to month with AT&T with your current iphone for the next 60 days or so as the issues with Evo (if any) arise. Nobody is holding a gun to your head insisting that you purchase a phone immediately. I have used the iphone but the bottom line for me is... I don't like GSM service because it "sounds funny" to me and prefer CDMA clarity. Stick with what you know...if you're happy with the iphone, then keep it. After 60 days, order the Evo and keep the iphone service concurrently until you are either satisfied or not satisfied with the Evo because you can always port your number at a later date. A port at a later date takes 3-5 days at most.
I once used the HTC Hero and couldn't drive fast enough to the store to re...
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