Motorola Droid X
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Ringtone mixups
Jul 28, 2010, 2:11 PM
I have been having trouble with it recognizing the correct ringtone. It's always mixing up everyone's ringtones. Is anyone else having this problem? Is there something I can do to fix it? Would you recommend a ringtone app instead?
i have also noticed this happening on my droid, I have not found a way to correct it as of yet. i called tech support and they replaced my phone will be getting the new one on tomorrow i will let you know if it was a phone problem as i already did a master reset on it.
Sometimes my personalized ringers do not work. Then later, they do. Anyone having this problem or know of a solution for it?
I have had mine a week, same problem! Pulled battery, and it worked for awhile. Same with powering on and off. Works for awhile, then mixed up again. Anyone find any more info.
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