I got the Droid X last week, and my wife got the HTC Incredible. Both are good phones, but in all honesty, the Incredible seems faster, smoother, and the overall interface seems a bit more user-friendly. I was under the impression that the X was supposed to be the best phone Verizon has ever unleashed. Overall, I'm pretty happy with it. However, I don't understand why such a powerful phone is that "jittery" when swiping from one screen to another. Keep in mind, I just switched over from an iPhone 3GS.
Does anyone know of a way to make it less "jittery"? Also, when it updates to Android 2.2, what all is expected to change?
Thanks in advance.
2.2 will make the phone run a lot smoother... also i found a lil jittery, but i started using a launcher called launcher pro and it seems to make the ui a lot smoother i hardly have any jittery with it now... (besides when the phone is booting up or it is starting to sync my 6 email accounts all at once) also you might want to invest in a task killer, this usually helps a ton and make your phone snappier most people use atk (advanced task killer) type either and it should show up. this program will kill programs running in the background. i hope this helps respond if you need other help. 😁
I agree with Fkn,I also use launcher pro and it's amazing,very smooth and customizable. He's right about the task killer also. I wish the update would come soon,all they keep saying is late summer which is now.
Wow... Launcher Pro made a HUGE difference. Thank you for recommending it. I already had Advanced Task Killer, but it didn't seem to help too much. It would be nice to be able to get rid of some of the programs that come with the phone like Skype, CityID, and Latitude.
yes i agree,id like to be able to remove them too. It seems strange to see some apps engage when they dont have anything to do with what i was doing.it doesnt make sense sometimes. the phone will just be sitting idle and i'll go to check it and apps like skype,voice commands will appear. Also i reccomend you watch a couple youtube videos on launcher,you'll learn a lot.
in launcher pro you can hide these programs should be under general settings wont delete, only way you can really dump these is if you rooted your phone 😈 if you don't like atk use estrongs task killer, it allows you to see where you are in the memory usage and it has a widget that shows you the info... you can also use a program called seePU it kinda gives you a notification icon that tells you where you are in the scheme of things as far as how much memory you have left.... make you feel better 2.2 on the dx is pretty sexy runs like a champ.... gotta love root. 😈
I didnt see where you can hide programs,that would be really good to do. Could you be a little more specific as how that can be done? Thank you bro WHERE'S OUR UPDATE?!
Okay...I know this is a really basic question, but I'm new to android so bare with me. I see you guys talking about Launcher Pro and how it can help performance on the X. What exactly IS Launcher Pro? What does it do? Why does it help? Thanks!
😁 not a big deal, that is why there is forums helps people help others on fixing or making there equipment rock!! its is basically a alternate home screen for you phone... i don't know why it makes it snappier but i does... get it and you will see what i mean... 😈
Cool..thanks! I might just try it and see how I like it. I assume there are more than one to pick from. Do you have a suggestion on the best one to try? Is it free or do I need to buy it?
Thers only one called launcher pro and it's free. have fun
here's a link:http://bit.ly/aoCEZ0
its an updated version
Thanks! I take it I will have to re-do all my shortcuts on the home screens?
you will still have your apps in the app drawer(check out the 3D app drawr,very cool)and your home screen will be blank. watch the video by FabolousTT on youtube,you'll learn a lot from it.
launcher pro, helix launcher, ADW launcher, helix 2, ahome, apanda, etc....
i have used all and thought the launcher pro and adw launcher are the best in there own rights, they are both customizable and make the phone seem snappier the others are good and the helix are not bad but they seem to FC force close) alot on all the droids i have owned. but i havent used them in a while so they might be better...