Motorola Droid 2
improved - I'm sold
I had an opportunity to play with one for about an hour. I talked a manager into showing me one (I knew they had to be in the back) and he got distracted and forgot I had it so I ran through all the menus and compared it to the original Droid.
First Impressions:
Faster CPU - noticeable at once, less lag
Usable keyboard - the biggest improvement
Froyo / Android 2.2
slightly lighter weight
more rounded edges & copper color trim
The screen seems to be the same resolution and brightness as the Droid. The new interface seemed easy enough to use but slightly drab compared to the Incredible and Droid X.
This isn't the big "wow" of the Droid X but they fixed a lot of the weak points about...
While the keyboard is usable the sensitivity on the screen was improved so typing on the screen is easier and thus still negates the need for the keyboard.
The first droid was already updated to 2.2
The weight difference is hardly noticable
The smooth edges are nice, so it feels nicer and the battery cover is much tighter so it doesnt fall off constantly when removing from your pocket.
The crap they did to the phone makes it not worth getting over the original to me. The blur UI they put on the phone sucks, the text message and email apps are horrible and they preinstalled applications that you can not remo...