HTC myTouch 4G
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Confused about 4G! HELP!
Jul 12, 2011, 7:27 PM
I can't seem to connect to anything through 4G. I have great WiFi connection when a network is available, but when I am not connected to a WiFi network, I can't do anything such as Facebook, words with friends, etc. Anyone know how to "turn on" the 4G? Please help! Thanks!
Well this could be a few things, either your data plan is not up correctly with T-mo in which case you will need to contact them. Your phone should not show 4g or H+ if this is the issue, but go to Menu>Settings>Wireless and Networks> Mobile Network should be checked. If it is go to Mobile Networks (Set options for roaming, networks and APNS) Go to Acess Point Names and make sure that T-Mobile Data is Selected, (should have a orange dot on the white circle to the right. If checked, tap the T-mobile data option and check these settings:
MMS Proxy:
MMS Protocol: Wap 2.0
MCC: 310
MNC: 260
Authentication Type:
APN Type: default,supl,admin,dun
If this is...
If the settings I provided you before were set correctly, go back to mobile network settings (Will show at top in grey) Select Network Mode and make sure GSM/WCDMA Auto is set. If it is still not working, Power cycle (shut phone off and turn back on), if you haven't done this already, If you have, Remove the battery on the phone and leave it out for at least 10 Seconds, if it is still not working, you could try a master reset (I wouldn't recommend) WARNING: THIS WILL ERASE EVERYTHING SAVED ON YOUR PHONE, Information saved on your SD (Memory Card) will not be lost however, I recommend contacting T-Mobile before doing this.
Menu>Settings>SD and Phone Storage> Factory Data Reset
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