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Panasonic X70


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Display names in mms


Mar 5, 2004, 6:45 AM
Hey there!

Just got my x70, and it's pretty damn good.

One problem though, when I recieve an mms message. The "from" section of each message displays their number, and not name, even if their number is in my address book. I have tried altering the number in my address book to the international format and back again, but neither work.

Is this a setting I'm missing, or a limitation of this phone?

Many thanks, Rich 🙂

May 27, 2004, 12:32 PM
Havnt played with this phone yet so im not sure but, I know on some models you have to have the number punched into the phone book exactly the way it comes in on the text message.....ie if its a (313) area code and it comes in as 1 (313) then put the 1 in there.....or vice versa if its without.

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