Samsung Admire / Vitality
Reviews 11
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I want this phone but I need help guys
i'm really interesting in getting the phone samsung admire but I heard the phone had bad call quality and the texting messaging alert is really low even if the volume is up. Can you please tell me if this is true? I'm a huge texter and i need to have nice call quality. and does the battery life die really fast or does it depend if your on wifi or not?
thank you so very much
I've owned this phone for about 4 months now, and don't have an issue with call quality. As for battery life, be prepared to carry a car charger if you use all the bells & whistles (GPS, wifi etc). If you disable that whenever you can, it will of course help. As for the volume on the text alert, it could be louder, but I think it's adequate if it's not that noisy.
Hope this helps.
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