Reviews 42
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A screencolor question...
I just purchased my EVO 3D on opening day. I love this phone as i've purchased the Hero & 4G and enjoyed my experience on those models. My question is, does anyone notice a difference in their screencolor being an off-white color? The reason I'm saying this is because i chose to keep my Hero & 4G phones and compared the screencolor to my 3D. Both my Hero & 4G have a crisp sharp white color whereas my 3D screencolor is an off-white. I'm bringing my unit to the store to compare with their display model and other employee models to see if it's just my model. If there's no difference on the other models, I'll at least know it wasn't a flaw with mine. But i was wondering if anyone else had their previous models to compare with their 3D? Btw, my d...
Jun 26, 2011, 1:07 AM
I don't own the phone yet, but If I had to guess.. I would put my money on your off-white color screen having something to do with the 3D feature of the phone. Good Luck!
Yea there is definitely a difference in color. I too owned the original EVO 4G purchased on 6/4/2010. My roommate got one of the new hardware versions at the beginning of 2011. It had a total different LCD and you could tell by the difference in colors. I think when the Samsung screen supply ran out and the EVO 4G went on back order they had to use a different supplier thus using different screen. Just my two cents.
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