Motorola V300
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using a froeign SIm in V300 (T-Mobile)
Hey there. I had bought a T-Molibe phone and have the motorola v300 handset. Currently i am in India. I had spoken to one of T-Mobile's Customer Care people that i needed to use a foreign chip in my phone when i will be in India. Well, he gave me an email with the unlock code and stuff. Now i am using an Airtel connection. The problem i am facing now is that i am unable to use the MMS and WAP servies provided by this Airtel company. Even when i have removed the T-Mobile chip and put in the Airtel one, it keeps showing me the T-Zones option. I talked to the Customer Care of Airtel and they say that i need to speak to T-Mobile to first "Remove" Tzones to access the WAP and MMS servies of their connection. There is something called "Masala ...
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