Motorola V300
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Java Applications
Hi. I'm a Java programmer and I want to develop some J2ME applications, but I don't know if I have the possibility to load them on the phone and if I do, how can I do that? 'Cause I want to buy a V300 but I want to be sure I can load the apps from my computer
Aug 16, 2004, 2:13 PM
The only way I know of how to load the games/apps to the phone is downloading the files.
I tried to download a few games to my phone but when I download them they are ok. If I try to run them, they fail to run. I have both the .jad and .jar file in a directory.
Anyone have any type of luck? If you have a data cable, what do you use to load the games/apps?
On another note, I was able to download ringtones that I uploaded with no problems.
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