Nokia Lumia 900
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BlackBerry to Nokia
How do I put my music from my sd card on my Lumia??
Sync your BB media to your computer using BB desktop media sync. Insall Zune on your computer, and sync your Lumia with Zune. Worked like a champ for me!
I installed Zune on my Lumia and my desktop. My music is already on my desktop. My computer does not see my phone when I plug it in. Also I cant view picture messages. Some setting isnt correct. Have you any idea what is wrong?
I'm not sure why your computer doesn't see your phone. I had the same problem with the pics. Turned out at&t still had me setup for bb service, once they changed me to the proper data plan everything worked fine
I am set up on the pay per use plan. Wonder if that could be my issue as well. Strange. Thanks for your help.
No problem. Hope you get it figured out!
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