Sanyo SCP-5500 / VM-4500
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new phone
Just picked up the SCP-5500 today. Anyone know what this blue, green, yellow flashing light on the back LCD is every second while im making a call?
Well, it's an LED that flashes while you're making your call. I don't really know what it is you're asking. If you don't like it you can turn it off. You can find it under Settings--->Display--->LED
It flashes the whole time, I'm just saying like if its dark and I'm on the phone I don't want to see it flashing every second from the corner of my eye.
Also how do you exit PCS vision? Once I log the first time I alwayts have the little your connected to the net bars at the top, only way to get rid of that seems to be turn off the phone completely.
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