Samsung SCH-A790 / SCH-A795 / IP-A790
Tomorrow - New Phone
1yr Contract 399.99
2yr Contract 349.99
The phone is currently available for business to business but will be available for everyone else by June 1st which is a week from today. Text messaging does work on GSM networks. While overseas it is .50 to send and .02 to receive. It works on Vodaphone's network and remember that Vodaphone owns about 42% of Verizon Wireless. The rep I spoke to told me she was unaware of any 300.00 deposit to use the GSM chip of the phone. Hope this helps. 🙂
Any one know
Re $300 deposit and GSM rates: From my discussion with the International Traveler dept. the rates have changed. 😁 For existing customers (that purchase this phone, at least), no deposit, no monthly fee, no "activation fee" (I've heard of this for their old Int'l Traveler) and slightly lower cost per minute rates then is on the VZW web site. Sweet deal if they will just sell me the friggin' phone!
herkdrvr said:
I'm trying to get the phone now - given the b2b line of crappola but the reps are working to get me the phone anyway. Good bunch of folks at the other end of 611.
Sweet deal if they will just sell me the friggin' phone!
I was, in fact, able to order the phone. Got through b2b what ever that was. Got a bright set of reps this morning (last night too, but they were not able to take my order).
Now to sit back and wait. The rates are as the majority has said 499, 399, 349 for the respective contracts.
herkdrvr said:
THERE IS HOPE!!!! Good on ya', pvravi!
Oh I also forgot. Before I ordered, I was able to convince one of the CSRs to send me a PDF of the phone manual..... That was good. It let me look at the actual features, rather than rely on what's here-say. I was, for example, able to confirm that SMS capabilities are not limited to CDMA only. It's a big file, though - almost 2 megs(1858 KB), and 226 pages.