Audiovox CDM-9900
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downloading stuff from 9900
I have an Audiovox 9900 which I have used for the past four years or so. I love the phone, but am told by Audiovox that its software just doesn't support some of the stuff I want to do. Like download pictures using the cable I have, or downloading the phonebook to my computer, or using the Verizon Backup Assistant to save my phone listings on their site.
I have checked out the Susteen DataPilot software, but it only lets me use it for the phonebook download.
Does anyone know if there is a software update available so I can use this phone with Verizons Backup Assistant, or to download my pictures onto my computer, etc????
I would keep this phone, and the extra one I have as a replacement, for many years to come if it would only d...
I know its hard, but you'll just at some point let it go. I had problems with the plastic hinge. Try the LG Platforms I believe you will find them acceptable given the situation of no follow on replacements for the CDM-9500 or 9900
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