Audiovox CDM-9900
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Need 2 of these phones...HELP!
Hey all, does anyone know where I might be able to purchase at least one if not preferrably two of these phones for a reasonable price? My fiancee and I missed out on the $149 deal and really would like to grab one. Please let us know if you have any ideas. Can't really find any on Ebay an dif we do they are extremely expensive.
I was able to order 2 from the local store and they were delivered right to my door. Last week they had @ 700 left at the warehouse.
Do you Know they still have some.And if they do,do you know a number under Verizon so I can get an Audiovox 9900.
DVD rules..... where did you get that 9900, where you said they had so many. I ordered one from the Verizon Site 2 days before Christmas and they said the next day it shouldnb't have been on the site and it was discontiniued. I would still really like to get one. Can you give me a phone number or a web page.... HOW MUCH WAS IT ALSO? THAnK YOU if yuo see this please send to Thanks for your time!!!!!!!!!!
Can someone please give me a zipcode where the audiovox 9900 is available because I lost my v710 and dont have insurance and I need a new phone.
VZW (the consumer division) doesn't have anymore 9900. The only place I know within VZW is the business division, and they are running low on them too. In order to get it from the business division, your company has to have a contract with them. The other place I know is ebay, but If you are willing to get a new unit at full retail but not get it through ebay, I do know a place here that is an authorized independent VZW agent and they do not mark up the price of the phone. This independent agent will also assist you with equipment upgrade if you are eligible just like a VZW corp will do for you. Let me know if you are interested and I can give you their phone number so you can work out the detail with them.
Yes, I'm very interested. do give me their contact information. I do have corp account & hopefully they can help.
The name of the authorized independent VZW agent is Liberty Cellular, it is here in Liberty, MO. Their number is 816-781-8008 and they are open on Saturday. I purchased a brand new one from them last week and they still have some in stock. Hopefully you'll be able to get one from them. However, if you preferred to get it from your corp rep, then you will need to contact them directly (if your company allow their employees to contact the rep themselves). VZW has set aside certain number of units for consumer division, business division and warranty replacement. Your corp rep may have to dig a little to locate the phone since he or she will likely not see it on their Intranet, they just need to check the inventory warehouse for the business di...
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