Audiovox CDM-9900
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Problems with refurbished 9900
I had to send one back, and Verizon sent me a factory--refurbished replacement. It worked great for a few months, then this past week, my service has been terrible. No reception in places I used to have full bars, etc.
Also, the Get It Now does not function properly in this one. I bought a chess game over the summer, now when you try to load Get It Now, all you see is the chess icon (even though I've had to call to cancel the game).
I really don't want to switch models, because I love this one, but I also don't know how I'm going to have it repaired.
At some point you are going to have to replace this phone. As much as I liked the 9500 and 9900, let's face it Toshiba has existed the business. Don't screw around with this, move on. The phone only lasts so long. Development of the Cell Phone is moving like calculators did in the 1970's, almost by the week! I am going to try the high end LG's. Good luck, and Merry Christmas.
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