Motorola A630
Reviews 37
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i would love this phone
i like half of this forum called cingular .. still to this day cingular is discussing the possable release of this phone.. from what im told its still 50/50.. the only thing that makes any sense to any of this would be.. the store in question is for sure not a corp store and the owner felt the need to be sneeky and some how flashed and flexed and rebranded the phone for his stores sale.. sure this is all far fetched but im sure he made money on the sales of these phones so it would still be wurth it..
just a thought
Actually I saw pictures of the phone and it is in fact Cingular branded. The person didnt do it him/herself because I also saw a picture of the box and it was Cingular branded as well.
cant rebrand the phone the tmobile is completely different shell, only way to get teh cingular shell is to get the phone form CIngular....One of our Directors in the Call Center I work at has the Cingualr A630 and it is real and is coming out. But until its makes it to the website or in our warehouse most everyone you tlak to will say they don't know anything about it
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