i just wanted to know if this phone is worth it or not. its either this phone or the samsung p735........whats ur take on this? are there any phones coming out on t-mobile that i should wait for or should i get this motorola?
Jul 21, 2004, 10:40 AM
these two handsets should not be compared.
form factor alone dictates that they are in separate classes, and to take that further, these two specific forms keep each from doing what the other can.
P735 vs. A630
new "flip" vs. proven flip
numeric keypad vs. numeric and qwerty keypad
tiny samsung lcd vs. "widescreen" moto lcd
samsung vs. motorola
your needs and expectations will determine which of these two handsets fill more of your requirements. flash (and i do not refer to the camera) should never enter as a value.
thanx for responding back....well thats the predictament i am in....i like both phones...which one would you go for.....maybe i should start off with what i like in both phones....
first off the form factor is phenomenal.. really nice...i like to text message a lot so the qwerty keyboard is the biggest thing that im looking at.
well video capture is something to drool about not only that but it has an sd slot so you can have more memory....mp3 playback.......form factor is something im not too crazy about with this phone.....
so penk which one would you go out and purchase?
and its not really a depate about samsung or motorola..i havent had a moto before and samsung are real "easy" to use. so i need help..... đ
Jul 21, 2004, 10:52 PM
while i have not spent too much time with a samsung handheld, there are several aspects i do not care for. the menu interface seems conspicuously different from every other manufacturer; the lcd screens are consistently puny; and there have been three separate charging-plug types on their handsets in two years.
you mention the form factor of the samsung. that comment alone makes your decision. remember that you will need to operate that swivel-flip repeatedly and on a daily basis.
while i do not mean to say that samsung or any other "freshman" handset manufacturer is incapable of producing a quality, reliable handset, i generally promote NOKIA, Motorola, and SonyEricsson for their longevity and years (and decades) of proven success....
I'm goin with a630 on this one.
The form factor is a definite "pressure point" when choosing a phone. Much like a date, if you don't think it's attractive to begin with you're not going to like it by the end of the day. Penk's right, you're gonna have to live with that swivel flip everyday for 1 or 2 years depending on your contract. If you like the a630 better, go with that.
Carrier also makes a BIG consideration. If you can't get a good signal on the samsung and you can on the motorola, you'll be happier with the moto, and vice versa. You said you text a lot, the qwerty keyboard is going to be so much better for you than iTAP.
My girlfriend has a samsung whereas I have a Moto v60. I'm not a big fan of my v60, but I love her s...
thanks for yall for helping me decide which phone i should purchase...well one of you compared phones to a date..let me just say that im a personality kinda guy..so features are something i look at....on the samsung phone some of the features that come with this are video capture,mp3 playback....also this phone has an sd slot for more memory/storage.......besides the qwerty keyboard i dont know what kind of features this phone has that has any star quality.....one con for the samsung besides the flip is reception..my gf has a samsung nad her reception is pretty bad...dont know if its just here in hawaii or what but thats how samsungs are...decisions,decisions..........
yeah you're kinda out on the sd slot and video capture, but the a630 does have mp3 playback. At least as far as the v400 and v600 do. Plus bluetooth which I hate to admit is an attractive feature that's really hard to find so far.
But in the end it's your choice. Good luck and have fun
hey there thanx for responding back again..so what does that mean mp3 playback as far as the v400/v600...
well the v440/v600 have mp3 playback as far as ringtones go, but they don't function as an mp3 player. If you want that function you still have to buy the mp3 player accessory from Moto. There's just not enough memory on them to hold mp3 files. Come to think of it there's not enough for more than a few on the v710 either, and that's supposed to be one of it's selling points...that's what the sd or transflash slots are for. all people hear is mp3 player and then fill thier memory up extremely quickly and don't know why. mp3's are HUGE!
hey there disturbed thanx for responding back..so when you say mp3 you mean ring tone...ok..well the samsung p735 is said to have an mp3 player....thats what it says...but i dont know..im kinda leaning towards the motorola...maybe.. đ
the most important question is...is tmobile gonna get this phone?
nobody knows yet, but I wouldnt' doubt it, they've eventually gotten most of Moto's latest, even if they are alittle behind the game on releases.
hey thanx for responding once again......so you say tmobile might get this phone..in other werds if i want it i need to get an unlocked version...well right now i have the siemens sl55, unlocked of course and i kinda was sorta thinking botu going "legit" meaning getting a tmobile phone.lol anyways.....
sure...glad to help if I can. The great thing about world phones is they're damn near always sold unlocked. Cingular and T-Mobile I know both sell unlocked phones. I'm not so sure about ATTWS, but seeing as how they're about to become Cingular, it wouldn't surprise me if this and the v600 are sold already unlocked from them too.
well the reason why i have this dilemma about getting this phone is because i want to get a t-mobile phone...and if this phone is really coming to t-mobile i want to wait for it...so anyone have a est. time when t-mobile is gonna get this phone?
i don't see what is so great about tmobile??? the coverage is CRAP in michigan...plus, if i'm not mistaken, 90% of their phones use only the 1900 mHz frq...correct me if i'm wrong about things...
yea but that is the carrier i go with...so iwhen is this phone coming to tmobile..plus in hawaii we have 4 choices.tmobile, att, verizon, sprint.we dont got cingular here....and plus my plan is great..........so....
well if ya don't have cingular yet, then you will when the merger's finished. Perhaps you can get this thru ATT and get a better deal, especially with the merger happening. Same might go with the razr
sup dawg whats crackin....ahh....i dont know disturbed......i aint feeling att....i mean even wid the merge....if cingular came down here then maybe ill switch but til then ill stick wid tmoble and my threeday weekend plan......besides went to a tombile retail store today and asked if they knew if this phone was coming to tmo..and the rep. said it was very unlikely..so i might jus go on ahhead and wait for the samsung p735........he said that that phone was defintely coming...anyways....
disturbed i have another question for you...what better....this phone or the v80? the tmobile rep told me that they would definetly have the v80.......so whats ur thoughts.....
I was pretty impressed by the v80 honestly...I haven't gotten a chance to use it because no U.S. carrier has had it yet. But it's definitely a step down from the v600, which is good in my opinion. It doesn't seem to overdo the features. And it's got pretty good "bling factor" too. I'd give it a shot, Moto's high end phones are the ones that have been havin trouble, haven't heard too much out of the mid-levels.
hey thanx fr hitting this message up...yea i looked over this phone on this site and on other sites and i may go with this phone....read that the samsung p735 isnt all that and the a630 maynot come to tmobile..and since the v80 is coming to tmobile..i may just get this one....
Jul 26, 2004, 11:30 PM
Nothing that I have had from ATTW is unlocked. Yet, their affiliate, SunCom, GSM phones are all unlocked whether they are world phones or just for use on the 850/1900 MHz network. I have a locked V600 from ATTW and an unlocked V600 from SunCom. Also SunCom phones are unbranded as well. It doesn't have any of SunCom's features on it. I just put in the settings for the web browser. Cingular will buyout SunCom, as well if this merger goes through with ATTW. At that time, I'm sure that all of SunCom's phones won't be unlocked at that point.
woops! sorry then, my bad!
Jul 26, 2004, 11:34 PM
When I had T Mobile, I always purchased unlocked phones elsewhere. T Mobile keeps stating that theyre going to start getting more high end phones. Yet, I haven't seen it happen yet. I have ATTW now. It seem that they get the pretty much the same phones. Of course with Cingular, they're world phones are unlocked. Also, T Mobile's tech guys seem to have a problem giving you the configurations for the T-Zones browser. I had a Motorola a 388 unlocked when I was with TMobile, but I couldn't get the browser settings to work. âšī¸
well currently i have a siemens sl55 and its unlocked...but these new phones coming out...i have a question to pose for yall....
a630 vs. razrv3