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Why won't LG put a SD Card Slot on This Phone !!!!!
Would love to have had this as my next phone, but they still refuse to put a sd card slot on there phones. That for me is a big draw back. This is the fastest phone out as of now. LG get a sd card slot would boast sales big time.Want are they think...... ☹️ ☹️ ☹️ ☹️ Shaking my head !!!!!!
Are you sure it's LG ?
Usually, a manufacturer strikes an agreement with the carrier to sell a phone before they make the device, and usually, such device characteristics like internal memory, SD card slot, etc, come at the request or decline of the carrier.
This may not be entirely LGs fault. Remember the Droid DNA ? Rumour has it.... rumour has it..... sorry... that Verizon requested only 16gb internal and no SD card slot.
ZpikeAug 15, 2013, 12:01 AM
Carriers want you paying as much as possible and consuming as little as possible. If your phone won't hold more than 16 or 32 GB of data, then its very likely you won't be hogging too much bandwidth.
Your logic on this is bad. If I can only store 16GB of music on my phone I will have to stream it using Google music or amazon. I for one will for ever refuse to buy a phone without a SD card slot or removable battery.
32 GB is plenty. Also an SD card can sometimes slow down the performance of applications.
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