Nokia 6620
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Blackberry-like email?
I apologize if there's a gadzillion sites dedicated to this topic already, our IT guys at work took away all of our passwords to get through the firewall and this is pretty much the only allowed site.
Is there an app that will check my pop3/imap4 email like the blackberry does? ie- checks every 15 minutes, if there's an email, it checks every 7 minutes, if there's an email, it checks every 3 minutes, if there's an email, it checks every minute, then backs off if there isn't one in the time period.
I would like to know too.
There is a program that will check your email at your can have it check your email every minute if you like..and you can set it at minute intervals i.e. 1 minute, 2 minute, 3 minute etc..and you can do it with multiple accounts (I have 4 accounts set up that it checks) I have noticed Handango went up on the price by $ was 19.99 when I got is an awesome program and the one I have open continuously when I am not at h l.jsp?productType=2&optionId=1_4_2&jid=84XD9D E7F6D4FAX8E27A31A1662B358F&platformId=4&siteI d=1&productId=139607§ionId=0&catalog=20&t is the link..
Sorry the link came out like that..just go to and upper left corner search for profimail and you should find it..any problems/questions feel free to ask..
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