Motorola V710
Reviews 100+
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be honest guys; if the 9900 or the 7000 come out in next week or two as reported in howards forums
then who isnt going to get one? PUH-LEASE !!! If either r out, then none of us r going to wait for the 810 which is last years model w no video etc, or the 710 which might come out in late summer. We'll b rushing to the stores to chk out the new video phone.I know it and u know it!!!!!!
The 710 is coming out next month...Motorola and Verizon built this in conjunction and they are rushing it to market.
Ummmmm.... NOT!!!! IMHO neither holds a candle(or maybe JUST a candle) to the v710. Once again I have to point out, 1.2 megapixel camera (which can print photos at the new Kodak Kiosks) an MP3 player, and Bluetooth. Just for these three things the 710 is FAR better.
I agree, the 9900 is taking too long to come out. I am not that thrilled about it, have already seen it for Sprint, the novelty of the screen is not enough compared to the features of phones that are about to drop and may even beat the 9900 to market. The 710, appears to be much better and much more current (well, current now, we will see when it makes it to market) although it does seem pretty clunky.
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